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Dragon Age: Inquisition :: Review
Electronic Arts
1x BD
11.18.2014 (USA)
XB1, PS4, PC
3rd Person
Action / RPG
1-4 (XBL)
Content DL
Xbox Live
M - Mature
     > I've been a long time fan of BioWare's exceptional series of fantasy role playing games titled Dragon Age. This is the first installment on Microsoft's Xbox One, and the third in the series.  Dragon Age Inquisition (DA3) is loaded with magic, cold steel, stealth and dragons!  BioWare even added an online 1-4 player co-op version (which has no impact on your single player game).  That's too bad, Sega did it right with Phantasy Star Online being online or offline throughout your career in the game.
     > DA3 features nothing but gorgeous locales, environments and lighting effects. You'll never notice loading while traversing the huge areas of free-roaming quest heaven.  The player and creature animation is smooth, even when the screen is full of mayhem and magic. Speaking of magic, that's the only graphical feature that's somewhat underwhelming compared to the first two games.
     > I thought Dragon Age Origins (first of the series) had the best in-game control.  However, DA3 is really only lacking in the practical ease of targeting AoE magic.  Basically, you run around (warp or ride a horse) while visiting NPCs, buy/sell at shops, plan missions in a war room, manage inventory/crafting, and enjoying third person action/tactical battles.  Everything else, from creating a character to searching for treasure, works real well.  I'll mention some other gameplay tidbits in the Fun section.

     > For Online, you concurrently develop multiple jobs with 1-4 people in co-op missions.  It's not exactly what I hoped for, but I guess it's better than nothing.

     > The music is wonderful because it's mood-setting and never grating on your nerves. The sound effects work well as expected.
     > Quality RPGs are hard to come buy on the fledgeling Xbox OneDA3 won "Game of the Year 2014" in some part because of that.  That being said, this game does so much right that I'd call it the best Dragon Age so far.  I'm going to list some Pros and Cons that hopefully the "powers that be" would hear:
:: Pros ::
-Third person view (that works great) -- YES!
-Great environments and scenery.
-Great action/tactical battles.
-Thanks for letting me reverse X and/or Y axis!
-Crafting is done right.
-Tons of quests that never get overwhelming in the menus.
-Excellent music and sound effects.
-Interesting storyline with few mandatory time-filler quests.
-No unfair battles.
-Mastering locked doors is a matter of earning a perk and having a Roque. Nice.
:: Cons ::
-You can't change weapons during battle.
-You can't use skills that aren't equipped.
-There's some skilled jumping required to access certain areas.
-Item descriptions are lacking when deciphering their level and usage.
-The magic and skill trees are somewhat underwhelming compared to prior versions.
-Morrigan and Lilliana aren't playable!
-You can't change your job and some of the jobs have taken a step back.
Bottom Line
     > Dragon Age Inquisition is the go-to RPG for next-gen consoles.  Fans of the Xbox 360 games will feel right at home.  Every RPG fan would have to look far and wide for reasons not to be happy they bought/played this game.  I gladly spent over 130 hours completing the single player game.  Buy it.  Love it.
Overall: 8.6 | Graphics: 8.5 | Control: 8.5 | Sound: 8.5 | Fun: 9.0

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