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Shin Force ~ Dreamcast ~
Blue Stinger
Sega Force Vault
Sega (JPN)
Activision (USA)
Climax Graphics
1x GD
Mar. 22, 1999 (Japan)
Sep. 9, 1999 (USA)
Multi 3rd Person
Action / Adventure
Backup 4
     > With the popularity of games like Deep Fear (Saturn) and Resident Evil (Saturn), it's no wonder that other developers are scrambling to improve on the genre.  Climax Graphics set a goal of making an Action/Adventure title that would take gameplayers to new heights in graphics, gameplay and fun.  With the recent release of the Uberconsole, Climax Graphics had the proper platform available to accomplish this.  The question is, did they succeed?

     > The main hero of Blue Stinger is a guy named Eliot and the setting is a bio-lab on an island which has been visited by an alien being.  You (Eliot) start with no weapons or ammo, just your fists.  Along the way you'll encounter other characters like Dogs and Janine, which eventually become controllable.  You'll have to collect keys, ID cards, weapons, ammo and other items which flash to hint where they are.  Some of these items can be bought or given to you as well. These weapons are needed to... you guessed it... kill all the bio-monsters that lurk freely on the island.

     > Thinking of getting the import?  Blue Stinger has a lot of English in it.  The menus, game screens and speech are all in English with Japanese subtitles.  We're talking Action/Adventure, which means fairly easy to get into...

     > Naturally, Blue Stinger is presented in luscious 3D polygon generated beauty.  Everything from color, to detail, to complexity, to special effects is done very well.  Throughout the game you'll be presented with a constantly panning and zooming camera angle which gives the entire game an aura of a blockbuster action movie.  The view is not controllable, but the director's choice of views is almost always impressive.  However, the game would have been better with a view control since the view is not always exactly where you want it to be.  Note: the American release has been tweaked for better views.

     > As expected the special effects are amazing.  You'll see animated waves, monster blood spraying, fireball explosions, etc..  The lighting effects are where it's at though... you'll be impressed.

     > The regular monsters seem run of the mill, but at least they're well animated (as is your character).  The boss monsters... that's another story.  They're huge... they're bad... and they're out to get you!  As big as the bosses are, the locales are just gigantic in scope and complexity (in some cases).  It's a good thing you have a map otherwise you'd be completely lost!

     > The control is tight and simple.  You have punch, fire, action and item/map menu buttons at your disposal.  Saving a game is accomplished by finding rooms which have a save station.  Other rooms have vending machines which dispense drinks, hotdogs, hamburgers, sandwiches, various ammo types, etc..  You pay for this by killing monsters which leave money behind for you to collect.  One last thing, don't forget to make use of the climbing action to find hidden items and access certain areas.
     > The music is good enough to be from your favorite action movie soundtrack.  As a matter of fact, the whole game feels like a movie.  You'll hear pulse pounding and mood setting tunes throughout your quest.

     > The sound effects are very good.  Some examples are foot steps, gun shots, grunts, monster roars and hydraulic doors.  The speech, as mentioned before, is entirely in English and is quite helpful in your quest.

     > If you've ever dreamed of playing a movie, then Blue Stinger is for you.  The combination of graphics, gameplay and music provide an experience which is unmatched in the market.  Additionally, the difficulty is selectable so just about anyone can play and enjoy it.
Bottom Line
     > If you're into games like Resident Evil or Deep Fear, then Blue Stinger will show you the way to the new millennium.  Strap yourself into a Dreamcast and let it take you to Action/Adventure heaven.  Another AAA (graphics, gameplay, sound) title hits the Uberconsole, so get it now or in September.
Overall: 9.3 | Graphics: 9.8 | Control: 9.0 | Sound: 9.8 | Fun: 8.5

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