New Valmar - Room
of Chaos
> Notes
I did well with the following
weapons, equipment, magic, and moves.
Some of these items can be found
in the game, while others can be purchased.
I start off every major battle
with offense/defense build up and offense/defense tear down, for my force
and the enemy force respectively.
These are just recommendations
to win the final set of battles in Valmar's Room of Chaos.
> Equip
Granasaber: +150 ATK;
Cuts SP consumption by 15%
Hero's Cuirass: +72 DEF; Restores
some HP in combat
Man's Headband: +36 DEF; +10
ATK; Suppresses IP slowing
Ogre Shoes: +50 MOV; +10 DEF;
Move like an Ogre
Mystic Veil: All status disorder
Soul Egg: Wind/Water/Lightning
Sagacious Mana Egg
Guardian Staff: +118 ATK; Earth-based
Priestess' Robe: +68 DEF; All
status disorder resistance
Loving Ribbon: +46 DEF; Restores
some HP in combat
Lion Boots: +20 MOV; +20 DEF;
Has a lion insignia
Mana Insignia: Cuts MP consumption
by 15%
Chaos Egg: Fire/Wind/Lightning
Demonic Mana Egg
Black Angel Bow: +135 ATK; Drains
MP as 10% of damage
Angel's Robe: +62 DEF; Restores
some HP in combat
Sage's Hat: +38 DEF; Cuts MP
consumption by 5%
Royal Boots: +18 MOV; +18 DEF;
The King's boots
Ring of Guarding: +5 DEF; Poison/Sleep/Paralysis/Confusion/Plague
Star Egg: Lightning/Explosion
Ultimate Mana Egg
> SkillEquip
Life Up, Dash, Move Recover,
Special Power, Dash, Strength
Life Up, Magic Power, Intelligence,
Zapfire Chant, Defensive, Speed
Life Up, Mentality, Magic Recover,
Defensive, Stormcloud Chant, Toughness
> Move/Magic
Soul Egg: Use a strategic combination
of Sky Dragon Slash (Move), Tenseiken Slash (Move), Def-Loss (Magic), Freeze
(Magic), and Allhealer (Magic).
Chaos Egg: Use a strategic combination
of Nightmare Ball (Move), White Apocalypse (Move), Stram (Magic), Cold
(Magic), and Freeze (Magic).
Star Egg: Use a strategic combination
of Starving Tongue (Move), Fallen Wings (Move), Resurrect (Magic), Diggin'
(Magic), and Stram (Magic).