Sega/Shin Force Fighting Vipers

Sega/Shin Force > Elite Series > Fighting Vipers > Characters

Fighting Vipers
Bahn (white)

Birthday: 8/25
Sex: Male
Age: 17
Weight: 194 lbs
Measurements: (who cares?)
Hometown: Nishino Machi
Occupation: High school student
Hobby: Karate
Likes: Ramen
Dislikes: Western food
Specialty: Single Strike
Bio: Bahn's father abandoned him and his mother when he was still a baby.  Now, declaring himself to be "Genghis Bahn III", Bahn has set off across the ocean to prove himself to the father he's never met. But will his long journey find an end in Armstone City?
Games: FV, FMM, FV2


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