Sega/Shin Force Fighting Vipers

Sega/Shin Force > Elite Series > Fighting Vipers > Characters

Fighting Vipers
Raxel (red)

Birthday: 2/26
Sex: Male
Age: 18
Weight: 119 lbs
Measurements: (who cares?)
Hometown: Armstone City
Occupation: Band member
Hobby: Rock band
Likes: Veggies
Dislikes: Meat
Specialty: Guitar attack
Bio: Raxel is the guitarist and vocalist for the band "Death Crunch". Female fans are drawn to his dark aesthetic appeal.  Raxel dropped out of high school and left home after a fight with his father, who happens to be an Armstone City councilman.  This sinewy narcissist is fighting for fame and glory.
Games: FV, FMM, FV2


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