Phantasy Star Online: Episode III
Sega/Shin Force
Phantasy Star Online: Episode III

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Phantasy Star Series Phantasy Star Online: Episode III C.A.R.D. Revolution :: Characters
Hero Story Characters (Light Side)
Race: Newman
Gender: Female
Class: Hunter
HP: +0
AP: 3
TP: 1
MV: 2
Special Abilities:
Unlock Condition:
Sil'fer is the first of three initially usable Heroes. She is a Hunter especially proficient with Swords. She combines Tech and Physical power. All Hunters should use the Attack Action card, SW Attack, which boosts Sword damage by 1.5 times. It's a good idea to use Swords with range modifiers like Partisan and Diska of Braveman.
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Ranger
HP: -1
AP: 2
TP: 1
MV: 2
Special Abilities:
Fixed Range, 
EXP Bonus
Unlock Condition:
Kranz, the playboy, is the second of three initially usable Heroes. He is a Ranger that's proficient with long-range Guns. He combines Tech and Physical power. All Rangers should use three of the Attack Action card, GN Attack, which boosts Gun damage by 1.5 times. His best ability is Fixed Range, which allows the use of any Attack Action card while maintaining any weapon's normal range.
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: Force
HP: -0
AP: 1
TP: 1
MV: 3
Special Abilities:
Unlock Condition:
Ino'lis is the third of three initially usable Heroes. She is a Force that specializes in Techs. Until you collect enough Tech cards, you'll be using Canes and Swords. All Forces should use the Attack Action cards, CN Attack and CN Guard Defense, which boost Cane physical damage and defense respectively. Use the Ice Staff Dagon and Caduceus ASAP to enhance TP attacks.
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: Ranger
HP: +0
AP: 3
TP: 0
MV: 2
Special Abilities:
Unlock Condition:
Complete Hero 
mission Sighting 1
Kylria is the archtype Ranger with no special abilities. She has the highest AP and HP of any Ranger, but is slow and has no TP. Use Guns and more Guns with range enhancing Attack Action cards like Cross Slay, Slash, and Stab. Add Mags for the constant AP bonus without affecting range, plus Defense cards or Guard items to round out your deck.
Race: Newman
Gender: Female
Class: Force
HP: -1
AP: 1
TP: 1
MV: 2
Special Abilities:
Bonus TP Rise
Unlock Condition:
Complete Hero 
mission Sighting 1
Viviana seems weak at first glance. However, Bonus TP Rise makes her TP equal to 1.5 times the Dice Bonus (rounded down), not including Dice Assist cards. Don't rush to the opposing Story Character, as the longer the match runs, the higher Viviana's TP boost will be. Use as many Tech Action cards and TP-boosting Mag Items (like Vayu) as possible.
Race: Humanoid
Gender: Male
Class: Hunter
HP: -3
AP: 1
TP: 0
MV: 2
Special Abilities:
Enemy Bonus, No 
Unlock Condition:
Complete Hero 
mission Sighting 1
Teifu is an android Hunter that can't use Techs, but is immune to status effects. His Enemy Bonus grants +1 AP for every two enemy characters on the field. Therefore, he's best used against decks with lots of small creatures, or in team games. Stock up on AP-boosting Mag Items and plenty of Attack Action cards.
Race: Newman
Gender: Male
Class: Force
HP: +0
AP: 0
TP: 3
MV: 3
Special Abilities: 
A/T Swap Perm.
Unlock Condition: 
Complete Hero 
mission Sighting 2
Relmitos is good at Tech and physical attacks, since his AP and TP swap places after every attack. To maximize power, avoid using two Tech or physical attacks in a row. Load up with good TP and AP Canes and Swords (even Guns if it suits you). Just don't forget about the swapping AP/TP.
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Hunter
HP: -3
AP: 1
TP: 0
MV: 2
Special Abilities:
Sword Bonus
Unlock Condition:
Complete Hero 
mission Sighting 2
Orland has low HP, AP and MV for a Hunter. His power comes from the Sword Bonus ability, which grants +1 AP for every two Sword Items on the map. Load up with low cost weapons like Sabers to maximize your bonus. He is not good at Techs and is best used when teamed up with another Hunter. If you want to go solo, find a better Hunter.
Race: Humanoid
Gender: Male
Class: Ranger
HP: -5
AP: 2
TP: 0
MV: 3
Special Abilities:
Big Swing, Elude, 
No Tech
Unlock Condition:
Complete Hero 
mission Sighting 2
Guykild has low HP and the Big Swing ability, which requires him to spend an extra ATK point to attack and use Attack Action cards. Use weapons that can hit multiple targets with one shot because that's what you'll usually get. Add lots of Mag Item cards for power instead of Attack Action cards. Equip a Meteor Smash and Savitra ASAP.
Race: Humanoid
Gender: Female
Class: Hunter
HP: -1
AP: 2
TP: 0
MV: 3
Special Abilities:
LC Halfguard, 
No Tech
Unlock Condition:
Complete Hero 
Development 1
Saligun compares favorably to Orland and Teifu in the power and  speed attributes. Her Low-Cost Halfguard ability is kind of useless, since you don't want to be in a position to use it. Load up with high AP Swords and high AP better-ranged Attack cards. Play Saligun like Sil'fer while knowing she can't be status affected.
Race: Humanoid
Gender: Female
Class: Ranger
HP: -1
AP: 1
TP: 0
MV: 4
Special Abilities:
Fixed Range, 
No Tech
Unlock Condition:
Complete Hero 
Development 1
Stella is the fastest moving Hero Story Character with MV=4. Just like Kranz, her best ability is Fixed Range, which allows the use of any Attack Action card while maintaining any weapon's normal range. Add one or two Dice +1 Assist cards and attack lots of enemies to boost your Dice Bonus. Use Mags to increase AP, and Guns like the Power Maser (with high AP).
Race: Newman
Gender: Male
Class: Force
HP: +0
AP: 1
TP: 3
MV: 3
Special Abilities:
Unlock Condition:
Complete Hero 
Development 1
Glustar is a well balanced Force with great TP. Load up with Tech cards like Foie, Barta and Zonde. Use Canes with high TP and AP, since his AP is low. Some Swords like the Double Saber, which has +4 AP and +3 TP, are good choices as well. Get some Guard Items and TP improving mags and you'll be a "black mage" in no time.
Arkz Story Characters (Dark Side)
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Force
HP: +4
AP: 3
TP: 4
MV: 3
Special Abilities:
Unlock Condition:
Break is the first of three initially usable Arkz. He is the leader of the group and strong across the board. Use lots of Tech Attack cards to back up your creatures. Some useful additions would be Stab, Slash, and Attack, plus Long Arm and Snipe for combos. Attack from long range as often as possible.
Race: Humanoid
Gender: Female
Class: Ranger
HP: +2
AP: 2
TP: 0
MV: 4
Special Abilities:
Aerial Assassin, 
Fixed Range, 
No Tech
Unlock Condition:
Lura is the second of three initially usable Arkz. She is a Ranger with excellent area of effect, plus Aerial Assassin does 1.5 times damage to flying creatures. Another ability is Fixed Range, which allows the use of any Attack Action card while maintaining any weapon's normal range. Only use Attack Action cards that increase AP. Throw in some Guard Creatures (to supplement her HP) and high-HP monsters to tank.
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Hunter
HP: +0
AP: 2
TP: 0
MV: 3
Special Abilities:
Unlock Condition:
Endu is the third of three initially usable Arkz. His Rampage ability and attack range makes him very strong. Any physical attack he makes damages all items equipped on an opponent, which is deadly against Heroes. Combine the Rampage ability with Punch and Madness Attack Action cards to do massive damage. Support him with strong AP+HP Creatures.
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Ranger
HP: +3
AP: 2
TP: 1
MV: 4
Special Abilities:
Fixed Range, 
EXP Bonus
Unlock Condition:
Complete either 
Ruin Smugglers 
or Love Story 1
K.C. is like the Arkz version of Kranz. His EXP Bonus helps him gain a Dice Bonus quicker than most other Story Characters. His attack range hits three squares in a straight line. You'll need multiple Attack Action cards to drop an opponent in one blow in order to gain the EXP Bonus. Add in plenty of Creatures to make two lines of defense while sniping from the rear.
Race: Newman
Gender: Female
Class: Force
HP: +4
AP: 1
TP: 4
MV: 4
Special Abilities:
Unlock Condition:
Complete either 
Ruin Smugglers 
or Love Story 1
Memoru has great HP, TP and MV with weak physical power. Memoru's Snatch ability steals EXP from an opponent, assuming they have some, to boost her card level and Dice Bonus. Load up with high HP+TP Creatures, plus Foie, Barta and Zonde. Throw in some Tech action cards and you'll be set.
Race: Newman
Gender: Female
Class: Hunter
HP: +5
AP: 3
TP: 1
MV: 4
Special Abilities:
Action Up
Unlock Condition: 
Complete either 
Ruin Smugglers 
or Love Story 1
Rufina has a great HP, good AP, and excellent movement (MV). She also uses a Slicer which hits three target in front of her. Load up on AP boosting Attack Action cards, because the Action Up ability doubles their power. Make sure to be aware of their range effects though. Lastly, bring Guard Creatures, lots of Defense cards, and low cost status affecting monsters like a Poison Lily.
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: Ranger
HP: +3
AP: 2
TP: 1
MV: 3
Special Abilities: 
Fixed Range, 
Unlock Condition: 
Complete Unseen Enemy 1
Rio is a decent Ranger with the Fixed Range ability, so her range is always the two spaces directly in front. Load up on Attack Action cards and Defense cards, since she'll be vulnerable to counterattack. Use a bunch of low cost, low HP Creatures to gain +1 AP for every three of them killed (via the Revenge ability). Kill them yourself using Madness or self-destruct so your opponent doesn't get the Dice Bonus. Rappies work well.
Race: Newman
Gender: Male
Class: Force
HP: +3
AP: 2
TP: 2
MV: 3
Special Abilities:
Unlock Condition:
Complete Unseen Enemy 1
Peko is a Force well suited to playing Tech Action cards, as they cost -1 points to use with the Tech ability. Load up on high TP Creatures like Pouilly Slime, Love Rappy, Al Rappy, Evil Shark, Canane, and Dimenian. Attack through your Creatures and stay away from physical combat. Supplement that with lots of Tech Action cards.
Race: Humanoid
Gender: Male
Class: Hunter
HP: +4
AP: 4
TP: 0
MV: 3
Special Abilities:
AP Assist, 
No Tech
Unlock Condition:
Complete Unseen Enemy 1
Hyze is a very strong Hunter with the range of one spot in front and one to the left. His AP Assist ability boosts nearby Creatures by +1. Use lots of mid-HP, mid-cost Creatures like Guil Sharks to spread out the AP bonus. Round out your deck with Defense cards and range-enhancing Attack Action cards. Guard Creatures aren't very useful unless you have one with decent AP.
Race: Humanoid
Gender: Female
Class: Hunter
HP: +0
AP: 1
TP: 0
MV: 3
Special Abilities:
No Tech
Unlock Condition:
First Strike
Reiz isn't particularly powerful for a Hunter. Her saving grace is the Pierce ability, which strikes the opposing Story Character directly, regardless of equipped items. Attack the enemy player as often as possible using Attack Action cards like Stab, Split Boost, and Assault combined with Snipe. Have lots of Defense cards and Guard Creatures too.
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: Force
HP: -1
AP: 0
TP: 1
MV: 3
Special Abilities:
HP Assist
Unlock Condition:
First Strike
Creinu has low attributes so staying away from combat is imperative. She needs to use middle of the road Creatures that have great mobility. Her HP Assist heals all her Creatures by +1 HP per turn, no matter where they are located. Stock up on Evil Sharks, Guil Sharks, Wolves, Boomas, and Cananes. Use Attack and Tech Action cards to boost Creature attacks. Have some Defense cards too.
Race: Humanoid
Gender: Male
Class: Ranger
HP: +1
AP: 2
TP: 0
MV: 2
Special Abilities:
Impact Halfguard, 
No Tech
Unlock Condition:
First Strike
Ohgun has an amazing range that covers a 3x2 rectangle after the first row in front. Use the strongest Creatures you can muster to surround the enemy and play support attack at a distance with Ohgun. His Impact Halfguard helps by reducing incoming attacks by half, but Wall and Guard will still prove useful. He is good against other Arkz players or teams of two.

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