Phantasy Star Online: Episode III
Sega/Shin Force
Phantasy Star Online: Episode III

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Phantasy Star Series Phantasy Star Online: Episode III C.A.R.D. Revolution :: Arkz Story
     > This strategy guide provides you with information on Phantasy Star Online: Episode III CARD Revolution's "Story Mode" -- more specifically, the Dark Side missions.  Planet Ragol is under siege, and a war between the Arkz/Dark Side and Hero/Light Side rages on.  You begin the Arkz story in their secret hide-out on Ragol, the "R-Base".  Arkz Organization Missions (AM) are ordered by Chief Red (your superior officer).  Side Missions (SM) are occasionally offered by the woman standing to the left of the "Entry Counter" room (heretofore called the "Q-lady").  Story Character Missions (SC) are offered at certain times by the characters themselves.  Mission Killers are those that cause you to progress further into the storyline, while wiping out any other incomplete missions.  Initially, three Story Characters serve under your command -- they are Break (FOmar), Lura (RAcaseal), and Endu (HUmar).

Rounds 1-11
# Mission By Low
Map Enemy Note
1 AM01: First Battle Chief 3 6 Y/Y Y Mortis Fons Sil'fer .
2 AM02: Recon Duty 1 Chief 3 6 Y/Y Y Via Tubus Kranz .
3 SM: Love Quest 1 Q-lady 3 6 Y/Y Y Tener Sinus Ino'lis Love Quest path
AM03: Ruin Smugglers Chief 3 6 Y/Y Y Unguis Lapis Sil'fer Ruin Smugglers path
Rufina, K.C. and Memoru are unlocked.
4 SC: Nostalgic Spot Memoru 1 6 Y/Y N Tower of Caelum Viviana Must use Memoru
SM: Last Chance 1 Q-lady 1 6 Y/Y N Via Tubus Kranz [Ruin Smugglers]
AM04: Lost Rappy Chief 2 4 Y/Y Y Lupus Silva Kylria .
If you've completed "Nostalgic Spot", talk to Memoru to receive a bonus card.
5 SM: Ino'lis Rocks Q-lady 1 6 Y/Y N Unguis Lapis Ino'lis .
SM: Lazy Burn 1 Q-lady 1 6 Y/Y N Tener Sinus Kylria [Ruin Smugglers]
AM05: Unseen Enemy 1 Chief 1 6 Y/Y Y Mortis Fons Viviana/Teifu Team w/Endu
Hyze, Rio and Peko are unlocked.
6 SM: Across Time 1 Q-lady 1 6 Y/Y N Via Tubus Orland/Relmitos Team w/K.C.
AM06: Perfect Ones Chief 1 6 Y/N N Tener Sinus Guykild Deck doesn't loop
AM07: Research 1 Chief 1 6 Y/Y Y Tower of Caelum Sil'fer Endu=cut-scene
7 SM: Love Quest 2 Q-lady 1 6 Y/Y N Tener Sinus Teifu [Love Quest 1]
SC: Evaluation Rio 1 6 Y/Y N Lupus Silva Ino'lis Must use Rio
AM08: First Strike Chief 1 6 N/Y Y Unguis Lapis Kylria Deck not Shuffled
Reiz, Ohgun and Creinu are unlocked.
8 AM09: Recon Duty 2 Chief 1 6 Y/Y N Via Tubus Relmitos Endu=cut-scene
AM10: Research 2 Chief 1 6 Y/Y N Unguis Lapis Glustar/Stella Team w/Peku
Best +Creinu/+Memoru
AM11: Intruder! Chief 2 4 Y/Y Y Molae Venti Saligun Only roll 2,3,4
9 SC: Cake of Dreams Peko 1 6 Y/Y N Lupus Silva Orland Must use Peko
SM: Love Quest 3 Q-lady 1 6 Y/Y N Tener Sinus Kranz/Kylria [Love Quest 2]
Team w/Creinu
AM12: The One I Miss Chief 1 6 Y/N Y Lupus Silva Sil'fer Must use Break
Deck doesn't loop
Sil'fer & Break cut-scene. Talk to Rio if you completed "Evaluation" to receive a bonus "Pal Shark" card.
10 SC: Jewel Fountain Creinu 1 6 Y/Y N Mortis Fons Glustar Must use Creinu
SM: Last Chance 2 Q-lady 1 6 Y/Y N Lupus Silva Relmitos [Ruin Smugglers]
AM13: Backup Chief 1 4 Y/Y Y Lupus Silva Viviana/Teifu Team w/Peku
Talk to Creinu if you completed "Jewel Fountain" to receive a bonus "Companion" card.
11 SC: Song Request Hyze 1 6 N/Y N Via Tubus Guykild Must use Hyze
Don't use Machines
SM: Lazy Burn 2 Q-lady 1 6 Y/Y N Molae Venti Sil'fer/Kranz [Lazy Burn 1]
AM14: Dark Shadow Chief 1 6 Y/Y Y Tower of Caelum Saligun Lots of Half-guard

Rounds 12-22
# Mission By Low
Map Enemy Note
Talk to Peko if you completed "Cake of Dreams" to receive a bonus "Cave Wind" card.
12 SC: Flashbacks Reiz 1 6 Y/Y N Lupus Silva Glustar Must use Reiz
+Guard Creatures
SM: Miracle Water Q-lady 1 6 Y/Y N Mortis Fons Kranz [Love Quest 3]
AM15: Defense Net Chief 1 6 Y/Y Y Lupus Silva Stella Use TP Defense
13 AM16: Misty Temple Chief 1 6 N/Y Y Ravum Aedes Sacra Leukon Knight white=tech / black=weapon
Talk to Hyze if you completed "Song Request" to receive a bonus "Mighty Knuckle" card.
14 SM: Across Time 2 Q-lady 1 6 Y/Y N Lupus Silva Saligun/Stella [Across Time 1]
Saligun+Stella do combos
SM: Lazy Burn 3 Q-lady 1 6 Y/Y N Tener Sinus Viviana/Teifu [Lazy Burn 2]
Viviana+Teifu do combos
Team battle w/Creinu
AM17: Unseen Enemy 2  Chief 3 3 N/Y Y Molae Venti Ino'lis Use Madness, Dice +1
and Bequeth cards
15 SC: Looking Inward K.C. 1 6 Y/Y N Nebula Montana Glustar Must use K.C.
Aerial and Slime do well
SM: Last Chance 3 Q-lady 1 4 Y/Y N Tower of Caelum Relmitos/Orland [Last Chance 2]
Team Battle w/Break
AM18: Confirmation Chief 6 6 N/Y Y Lupus Silva Viviana Use a balanced deck
16 AM19: Morgue Raid
(Battle 1)
Chief 1 6 Y/Y N Morgue Orland+Glustar Defeat Team
Team battle w/Endu
AM19: Morgue Raid
(Battle 2)
Chief 1 6 Y/Y N Morgue Sil'fer+Relmitos Defeat Team
Team battle w/Reiz
AM19: Morgue Raid
(Battle 3)
Chief 1 6 Y/Y Y Morgue Kranz Kill Kranz's 
Baranz Launcher ASAP
17 SC: Save the Rappy Ohgun 1 6 Y/N N Tener Sinus Guykild Must use Ohgun
Deck doesn't Loop
AM20: Research 3 Chief 1 6 Y/Y N Nebula Montana Teifu Don't use Native or Dark
AM21: Puzzle Solving Chief 1 6 Y/Y Y Ravum Aedes Sacra Orland/Relmitos Team Battle w/Rio
Use SW Guard defense
Talk to K.C. if you completed "Looking Inward" to receive a bonus "Pan Arms" card.
18 SM: Love Letter Q-lady 1 6 Y/N N Molae Venti Viviana Deck doesn't Loop
Use high HP or 
returning creatures
SM: Lazy Burn 4 Q-lady 1 6 Y/Y N Nebula Montana Sil'fer [Lazy Burn 3]
Best is Reiz to pierce Sil'fer
AM22: Flow of Power Chief 1 6 Y/Y Y Nebula Montana Saligun/Stella Team battle w/Lura
Reverse Card on map flips 
your hand up side down
19 SC: The Real Me Rufina 3 6 Y/Y N Molae Venti Sil'fer Must use Rufina
Use high HP/AP creatures
with +AP Action cards
SM: Across Time 3 Q-lady 1 6 Y/Y N Nebula Montana Guykild/Kylria [Across Time 2]
Team battle w/Reiz
AM23: Unknown Lands Chief 1 6 Y/Y Y Dolor Odor Saligun Use Companion Def
against DB Shield/Saber
Talk to Ohgun if you completed "Save the Rappy" to receive a bonus "Split Boost" card.
Talk to Reiz if you completed "Flashbacks" to receive a bonus "Round Slay" card.
20 SM: Enigmatic Mist Q-lady 1 6 Y/Y N Ravum Aedes Sacra Relmitos [Miracle Water]
Map card Battle Royale
allows free ATK Action
AM24: Research 4 Chief 1 6 Y/Y N Dolor Odor Kranz/Orland Team battle w/Hyze
Block 1 transporter and
fight one SC.
AM25: Toward Truth 1 Chief 2 4 Y/Y Y Tower of Caelum Glustar/Stella Team battle w/Rio
Glustar+Stella do combos
Use 2-3 cost creatures
Talk to Rufina if you completed "The Real Me" to receive a bonus "Punch" card.
21 AM26: Toward Truth 2 Chief 1 6 Y/Y Y Molae Venti Kranz+Sil'fer You vs. 2 SCs
Must kill both SCs
Use TP Defense and 
high HP creatures
22 AM27: Final Battle
(Battle 1)
Chief 1 6 Y/Y N ??? Castor Lura/Break/Endu
vs. Castor use AP silence 
and guard creatures
AM27: Final Battle
(Battle 2)
Chief 1 6 Y/Y Y ??? Amplum Umbla vs. Umbla ATK directly
and avoid creatures

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