Phantasy Star Online: Episode III
Sega/Shin Force
Phantasy Star Online: Episode III

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Phantasy Star Series Phantasy Star Online: Episode III C.A.R.D. Revolution :: Hero Story
     > This strategy guide provides you with information on Phantasy Star Online: Episode III CARD Revolution's "Story Mode" -- more specifically, the Light Side missions.  Planet Ragol is under siege, and a war between the Hero/Light Side and Arkz/Dark Side rages on.  You begin the Hero story in the central base for your division of Hunters, the "Morgue".  Government Missions (GM) are ordered by the Lab Chief Pentaglass (your superior officer).  Side Missions (SM) are occasionally offered by the man standing to the left of the "Entry Counter" room (heretofore called the "Q-man").  Story Character Missions (SC) are offered at certain times by the characters themselves.  Mission Killers are those that cause you to progress further into the storyline, while wiping out any other incomplete missions.  Initially, three Story Characters serve under your command -- they are Sil'fer (HUnewearl), Kranz (RAmar), and Ino'lis (FOmarl).

Rounds 1-11
# Mission By Low
Map Enemy Note
1 GM01: Fossil Find 1 Chief 3 6 Y/Y Y Unguis Lapis Lura .
2 GM02: Haywire Pallet Chief 3 6 Y/Y Y Via Tubus Endu .
3 GM03: Fossil Find 2 Chief 3 6 Y/Y N Unguis Lapis Break Sil'fer=cut-scene
GM04: Sighting 1 Chief 3 6 Y/Y Y Via Tubus Lura Go straight for Lura
Kylria, Viviana and Teifu are unlocked.
4 SC: Chance Meeting Viviana 1 6 Y/Y N Tower of Caelum Memoru Must use Viviana
SM: Phantom Shop 1 Q-man 1 6 Y/Y Y Via Tubus Break/Lura Phantom Shop track
GM05: Homework Help Chief 2 4 Y/Y Y Tener Sinus Rufina Homework Help track
Talk to Viviana to receive an "Alive Aqhu" card, if you've completed "Chance Meeting".
5 GM06: Repair Work 1 Chief 1 6 Y/Y N Tower of Caelum Endu Kill Endu's guard creatures
GM07: Monument Watch Chief 1 6 Y/Y N Lupus Silva Peko/Creinu Use Ino'lis for combo
GM08: Sighting 2 Chief 1 6 Y/Y Y Tener Sinus Rufina Use multi-target and
long-range weapons
Relmitos, Guykild and Orland are unlocked.
6 SM: Challenge Q-man 1 6 Y/Y N Via Tubus K.C. Use Kranz w/multi-ranged
SM: Magic Hands 1 Q-man 1 6 Y/Y N Molae Venti Memoru/Rio [Phantom Shop 1]
Team battle w/Teifu
GM09: Called Out Chief 1 6 Y/N Y Lupus Silva Break Must use Sil'fer
Use High Slayer weapons
Sil'fer & Break cut-scene.
7 GM10: Called Again Chief 1 6 Y/Y N Molae Venti Lura Lura uses 
Madness (Rampage)
GM11: Tower Check Chief 1 6 Y/Y N Tower of Caelum Reiz/Ohgun Kranz=cut-scene
GM12: Development 1 Chief 1 6 N/Y Y Unguis Lapis Hyze Many Native creatures
Glustar, Saligun and Stella are unlocked.
8 SM: Magic Hands 2 Q-man 1 6 Y/Y N Lupus Silva Endu [Magic Hands 1]
Endu has Rampage ability
SM: Fun Homework Q-man 2 4 Y/Y N Molae Venti Ohgun [Homework Help]
Keep next to Ohgun
GM13: Clean-Up Job Chief 1 6 Y/Y Y Mortis Fons Peko/Creinu Ino'lis=cut-scene
9 SC: A Brief Rest Relmitos 1 6 Y/Y N Lupus Silva Peko/Memoru Must use Relmitos
Peko+Memoru do a DEF
combo on first death blow
SM: Truth Seeker 1 Q-man 1 6 Y/Y N Molae Venti Rio [Fun Homework]
GM14: Devlopment 2 Chief 1 6 Y/N Y Tower of Caelum Break Deck doesn't loop
Use Techs or 
Ranged weapons
Talk to Relmitos to receive a "Broom" card, if you've completed "A Brief Rest".
10 SC: Great Rescue Stella 1 6 Y/Y N Lupus Silva Memoru Must use Stella 
Fixed Range advantage
SM: Delicious Dish Q-man 1 6 Y/N N Tener Sinus Peko/Creinu [Magic Hands 2]
Team battle w/Ino'lis
Deck doesn't loop
GM15: Taken Away Chief 1 6 Y/Y Y Mortis Fons Lura Use Major Slayer items
 Talk to Stella to receive a "Territory" card, if you've completed "Great Rescue".
11 SC: Test of Power Orland 4 6 Y/Y N Mortis Fons K.C./Endu Must use Orland
Team battle w/Viviana
Endu has Rampage ability
SM: Phantom Shop 2 Q-man 1 6 Y/Y N Tower of Caelum Ohgun [Phantom Shop 1]
Use 2-3 cost weapons
GM16: Repair Work 2 Chief 1 6 N/Y Y Lupus Silva Rio lots of paralyze/death

Rounds 12-22
# Mission By Low
Map Enemy Note
12 SM: Phantom Shop 3 Q-man 1 6 Y/Y N Unguis Lapis Break/Rufina [Phantom Shop 2]
SM: Truth Seeker 2 Q-man 1 6 Y/Y N Tener Sinus Rio [Truth Seeker 1]
Rio uses 
Madness (Rampage)
SC: No Reason Guykild 1 6 Y/Y Y Via Tubus Peko Must use Guykild
Use multi-target weapons
13 GM17: Guardian 1 Chief 1 6 N/Y Y Ravum Aedes Sacra Leukon Knight white=tech / black=weapon
14 GM18: Fish Rescue Chief 1 6 Y/Y N Tener Sinus Memoru/Creinu Use Viviana for combo
GM19: Development 3 Chief 1 6 Y/N N Unguis Lapis K.C./Rio Team battel w/Glustar
Use NA Attack Action
GM20: Guardian 2 Chief 3 3 N/Y Y Ravum Aedes Sacra Reiz Don't kill Dark Gunners
Talk to Guykild to receive a "MC Guard" card.
15 SC: Tough Partner Teifu 1 6 Y/Y N Lupus Silva Hyze/Reiz Must use Teifu
Team battle w/Stella
SM: Truth Seeker 3 Q-man 3 3 N/Y N Tower of Caelum Break/Lura [Truth Seeker 2]
Team shares HP
GM21: Guardian 3 Chief 6 6 N/Y Y Ravum Aedes Sacra Creinu Creinu uses high cost
Morgue attack cut-scene.
16 GM22: Morgue Attack
(Battle 1)
Chief 1 6 Y/Y N Morgue Lura+Rufina Defeat team
Team battle w/Glustar
GM22: Morgue Attack
(Battle 2)
Chief 1 6 Y/Y N Morgue Creinu+Memoru Defeat team
Team battle w/Guykild
GM22: Morgue Attack
(Battle 3)
Chief 1 6 Y/Y Y Morgue Break Sinow Zoa has 2xRampage
Tallow has Pierce
Morgue attack aftermath cut-scene.
17 SC: Info On Blitz Kylria 1 6 Y/Y N Tower of Caelum Endu/Rio Must use Kylria
Team battle w/Orland
GM23: Development 4 Chief 1 6 Y/N N Nebula Montana Creinu Deck doesn't loop
Creinu has Escape and 
creatures that return
GM24: Sighting 3 Chief 1 6 Y/Y Y Nebula Montana Peko Peko plays Exchange to 
use ATK roll for DEF also
Talk to Teifu to receive a "Heavy Blow" card, if you've completed "Tough Partner".
Talk to Kylria to receive a "Bullet Storm" card, if you've completed "Info On Blitz".
18 SC: Emotions Clash Saligun 1 6 Y/N N Ravum Aedes Sacra Peko/Memoru Must use Saligun
Team battle w/Viviana
Deck doesn't loop
SM: Truth Seeker 4 Q-man 1 6 Y/Y N Nebula Montana Break [Truth Seeker 3]
GM25: Odor Encounter Chief 1 6 Y/Y Y Dolor Odor Ohgun Kill the guard creatures
and ruch Ohgun
19 Phantom Shop 4 Q-man 1 6 Y/Y N Tener Sinus K.C. [Phantom Shop 3]
GM26: Poachers Chief 1 6 Y/Y N Nebula Montana Ohgun/Hyze Kranz=cut-scene
GM27: Bomb Threat Chief 3 6 Y/Y Y Molae Venti Memoru Memoru uses EXP bonus 
cards to defend creatures
or get Dice bonus
20 SM: Ragol's Photo Q-man 1 6 Y/Y N Dolor Odor Endu [Delicious Dish] 
lots of Rampage
SM: Final Homework Q-man 2 4 Y/Y N Tower of Caelum K.C./Rio [Fun Homework]
Team battle w/Stella
GM28: Dream Present Chief 1 6 Y/Y Y Unguis Lapis Reiz Must use Glustar
Reiz has Pierce ability
Don't use guard items
Talk to Glustar to receive a "Harisen" card.
21 GM29: Sighting 4 Chief 1 6 Y/Y Y Molae Venti Break+Lura Defeat team in 15 minutes
Talk to Saligun to receive a "Chain Sword" card, if you've completed "Emotions Clash".  Sil'fer cut-scene.
22 GM30: Great Ambition Chief 1 6 Y/Y Y ??? Pollux Pollux gains 1AP per round, 
has weak hit block, and has 
timed pierce.

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