News |
Price Drop | PS3 |
> After the dust cleared last holiday season and people realized they were
bidding thousands of dollars to be one of the first PS3 owners,
the fledgeling console became readily available on store shelves.
Nintendo's Wii and Microsoft's Xbox 360 have
consistently outsold Sony's new machine, and that doesn't
sit well when you're used to being number one. As a result, Sony
announced a price drop (already) for the 60GB HDD Premium package.
It will be reduced $100, from $599 to $499.
3 console |
> In addition to that, Sony will also roll out another PS3
package that will come with an 80GB HDD and will retail for $599.
So it seems Sony hasn't given up on that price point after
all. As of yesterday, Microsoft and Nintendo
have made no price adjustment announcements.
G4 TV |
New Warranty | X360 |
> Although Microsoft managed to be the first nextgen console
to market, they seemingly forgot to make sure its quality standards were
up to snuff. The "red light of death" has haunted many people,
and Microsoft is doing something about it. In an effort
to combat negative feedback on the 360's reliability issues,
has instituted a 3 year warranty for its high definition console that will
be retroactive to day one. Kudos to Microsoft.
360 console |
> Too many people either know someone or have had their own console flicker
the red light of death. Microsoft is now spending in
the billions in an effort to make up for that.
G4 TV |
Live Arcade Updated | X360 |
> Xbox Live Arcade is where 360 players go
to get reasonably priced game downloads that include new and classic titles.
Sega has made two classic 16-bit Genesis games
available for download as of last night (07.10.2007): Sonic the Hedgehog
and Golden Axe. If you've ever played these games via
emulation, then you know what to expect.
G4 TV |
Live Marketplace Updated | X360 |
> So you like all the high definition downloadable content on Xbox
Live Marketplace, right? Starting last night, you'll have
a whole new selection of titles to watch from the magic of Walt Disney.
From animated classics to live action favorites, it's all available now,
and in high definition.
G4 TV |
Best Xbox 360 Games | X360 |
Fighter 5 | AM2 | Not only is this
excellent versus fighter coming to 360, it will be online to boot! (Fall
3 | Bungie | Surely this elite FPS
sequel will be the number one game this year across all platforms.
A special Halo 3 console package with accessories will be available
as well. (Sept. 25, 2007)
Effect | BioWare | Put Knights
of the old Republic on steroids to the power of 10, and you know what
to expect from this amazing game. (Nov. 2007)
Gotham Racing 4 | Bizarre | This golden
racing franchise gets new graphics, cities, cars and challenges.
Fasten your seat belts. (Fall 2007)
Theft Auto IV | Rockstar | Steal cars,
kill cops and listen to (k)rap -- nuff said. Another game that's
sure to make this coming holiday season a perfect sales storm. (Oct. 16,
Creed | Ubisoft Montreal | An awesome
looking action adventure that puts you in the shoes of an old school assassin.
Use obstacles, trickery and strategy to surprise your prey. (Nov. 2007)
Combat 6: Fires of Liberation | Namco
| An excellent flight sim may finally arrive on a Microsoft console, complete
with online play. Just don't F' it up, Namco. (Summer 2007)
Sonata | tri-Crescendo | A fine looking
and playing RPG that's sure to be elite among 360 choices, which wouldn't
be hard. It comes loaded with Motoi Sakuraba's music (think
Force III) to boot! (Sept. 17, 2007)
May Cry 4 | Capcom | An excellent
action title franchise finally makes its debut on the 360, complete with
high definition beauty. (Fall 2007)
Band | Harmonix Music Systems | Don't
just play guitar, try the bass, drums and vocals as well! (Fall 2007)
Hero III: Legends of Rock | Neversoft
| Now featuring Slash, a wireless controller shaped like a Gibson Les Paul
and a whole new set of favorite tunes, the ever popular franchise rocks
on. (Fall 2007)
G4 TV |