| 10 Continues
> Play a Normal game until your
game is over and you have 1 continue left. When the Intro Movie begins,
press Right, Up, A, B, C, Left, Left, Down, C, A, Start. You'll
get 10 continues!
Silpheed | Hardest Difficulty
> During the Intro Movie, press
B, A, C, Up, Left, Right, Down, Up, A on pad 2. Begin a normal
game and you'll be on the hardest difficulty setting.
Silpheed | Recharge Shields
> During the Intro Movie, press
Left, A, Right, Up, C, B, Down, Left, B, A, Up, and Start. While
playing just press A on pad 2 to recharge your shields.
Silpheed | Stage Select
> During the Intro Movie, press
Down, Down, Up, Up, Right, Left, Right, Left, A, B, Start. Start
a game and select your stage at the Title Screen. Press A
to begin. For the intermissions, pick a level higher than 12.
Silpheed | Voice Test
> Let the Intro Movie, press Start
at the Title Screen, select Option, then simultaneously hold A+B+C
on pad-2. Finally, press Start on pad-1 and a Voice Test will
appear on the
Option Screen.