Shin Force | Dreamcast Buyers Guide
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Shin Force
Contents | Games | Information | Virtual
Dreamcast Info | Systems
Dreamcast | Codes | Previews | Reviews A-M | Reviews N-Z | Strategy
A-D | E-H | I-L | M-P | Q-T | U-Z

Shin Force ~ Dreamcast ~
 Shin Force > Information > Dreamcast > Buyers Guide E-H
Ratings are based on whether or not you like the given genre. $ = avoid it! $$$$$ = a must have!
Game Title                 | Genre                | Ratng | Exc | Imp%
ECW Hardcore Revolution    | 3D Arcade/Wrestling  | $$$   | No  |  --%
Elemental Gimmick Gear     | 2D/3D Action/RPG     | $$$$  | Yes |  80%
Espion-age-nts             | 3D Action/Adventure  | $$$   | Yes |  75%
Evolution                  | 3D RPG               | $$$$  | Yes |  60%
Evolution 2 ~Distant Prom.~| 3D RPG               | $$$$  | Yes |  60%
Evolution 2: Far Off Promis| 3D RPG               | $$$$  | Yes |  --%
Expendable                 | 3D Action/Shooter    | $$$$$ | Yes |  95%
F1 World Grand Prix        | 3D Sim/Racer         | $$$$$ | No  |  95%
Fighter of Zero            | 3D Flight/Sim        | $$$$  | Yes |  80%
Fighting Force 2           | 3D Action/Adventure  | $$$$  | No  |  90%
Flag to Flag               | 3D Sim/Racer         | $$$$$ | Yes |  --%
Frame Gride                | 3D Action/Fighter    | $$$$  | Yes |  80%
Gauntlet Legends           | 3D Action/Adventure  | $$$$  | No  |  --%
Get Bass                   | 3D Arcade/Fishing    | $$$$$ | Yes | 100%
Giant Gram                 | 3D Sim/Wrestling     | $$$$  | Yes |  90%
Giga Wing                  | 2D Arcade/Shooter    | $$$$  | Yes | 100%
Godzilla Generations       | 3D Action            | $$    | Yes |  99%
Godzilla Gen. ~Max Impact~ | 3D Action            | $$$   | Yes |  99%
Grand Theft Auto 2         | 3D Action/Driving    | $$$   | No  |  --%
Gunbird 2                  | 2D Vertical/Shooter  | $$$$  | Yes |  99%
Gundam Sidestory 0079      | 3D Mech/Shooter      | $$$$  | Yes |  90%
House of the Dead 2        | 3D Gun/Shooter       | $$$$$ | Yes | 100%
Hydro Thunder              | 3D Arcade/Racer      | $$$$$ |  No |  --%