Shin Force | Nintendo GameCube Strategy

Shin Force > Systems > Nintendo GameCube > Strategy > PSO Episode III > Battle Flow

Shin Force ~ Phantasy Star ~
Attack / Player's Turn
Note: not all of the following pictures occured in the same round.
#1 DICE:
The first thing you do when it's your turn is roll the dice to get your ATK (attack) and defense DEF (defense) points for the given round.  Note: you're roll can be affected by a bonus roll (indicated by the "Dice +0"), somebody having played a roll Assist Card, or the alteration of the min/max roll rule.
#2 SET:
It's time to SET your Item Cards, based on your current ATK points.  Each card has an ATK points value which is indicated by the yellow dots below its title (see above-right -- the DEMONIC FORK has a value of 4 ATK points).  You may have a total of 8 ATK points worth of Item Cards played at any given time.  Any combination of your ATK points being too low to play an Item Card in your hand; you have no Item Cards in your hand; or you don't have enough total ATK points left to play an Item Card, results in you being unable to do anything in the SET phase.  Note: your opponent's play of Assist Cards may hamper your ability in the SET phase as well.
#3 MOVE:
In the MOVE phase, you may use any leftover ATK points from the current roll to strategically move your Story Character (SC), or any monster cards (Darkside) you have played.  Each SC and monster has a set movement distance per turn, which can be affected by Assist CardsNote: other factors, including terrain, status disorders and surrounding foes, can limit your movement.
#4 ACT:
During the ACT phase, you may use any leftover ATK points to attack the enemy with your Item Cards, and Action Cards (for combos).  Each Item Card you've played has a set attack range, which is displayed on the card with the small grid of 9 squares.  In the case of the DEMONIC FORK (shown above-left), it's range is only one square (vertically or horizontally).  Using a weapon by itself costs 1 ATK point.  However, in this example (above-left), the Gizonde Action Card is being combined with the DEMONIC FORK Item Card (at a total cost of 4 ATK points - determined by the Action Card's ATK point cost) to extend the range with a technique attack.  That attack caused HP -8 damage to the Story Character (SC) opponent and Tollaw monster cards (pictured above-right).  Notwithstanding possible Assist Cards played, Item Cards which are reduced to 0 HP are put into the discard pile.  Also, you gain various amounts of battle EXP for defeating enemy Item Cards.  When battle EXP is maxed, your Dice modifier goes up by +1.  Note: if you have them in your hand and have the ATK points to use them, many other Action Cards can be played to combo with your Item Cards.  Chain combos are possible as well.
#5 DRAW:
A standard hand consists of 5 cards.  In the DRAW phase, you may strategically discard unwanted cards you may have in your hand, which will be replaced by drawing from the deck.  Note: the number of cards in your hand may be affected by playing certain Assist Cards.

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