Shin Force | Nintendo GameCube Strategy

Shin Force > Games > Strategy > Nintendo GameCube > PSO Episode I&II > Weapons Locator

Shin Force ~ Phantasy Star ~
Handguns / Rifles
Phantasy Star Online Episode I/II
Name On? ID Diff Quest Area Enemy/Box Rare
BRAVACE Off Green U n Cave 3 Box 9
CUSTOM RAY ver.00 On Pink VH n Mine 2/Cave? Box/?enemy 9
FROZEN SHOOTER On White U n Fores 2 Hildetorr 10
GUILTY LIGHT On Green/White VH n Monitor Room/VR Spaceship F Vol Opt/Gol Dragon 10
INFERNO BAZOOKA Off/On Pink VH/U n Ruins 2/Forest 2 La Dimenian/Bartle 10
JUSTY-23ST On Green/Pink VH n Forest 1/Spaceship Beta Al Rappy/? 9
RED HANDGUN Off White U n Cave 1 Ob Lilly 10
RUBY BULLET Off Green U n Monitor Room Vol Opt 2 10
SUPPRESSED GUN On Oran N n Ruins 2 La Dimenian 10
VARISTA Off/On Pink/Red VH/H n Forest 2/Ruins 3 Barbarous Wolf/La Dimenian 9
VARISTA On Green/Sky H/VH TTF/n Mine 2/Forest 2 Canadine/Box 9
VISK-235W Off Green H n Ruins 1 Chaos Sorcerer 9
VISK-235W On Green H/VH TTF/n Forest 2 Hildebear/Box 9
WALS-MK2 Off/On Green/Pink VH/U n Mine 1/Forest 2 Canadine/Box 9
YASMINKOV 3000R Off Green U n Mine 1 Gillchich 10
1*Complete KIREEK'S SOUL EATER quests.
2*Complete 'Dr. Osto's Research' and 'Doc's Secret Plan', then Dr. Montague will make the given weapon from the appropriate enemy part.
3*Complete the "Weapons Emblem" quests.
NOTE: The above chart does not necessarily indicate the only way to find the given weapon.  It does represent first hand success from our members.

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